Keep Investing In Your Fitness

How many times have you been at training whatever it may be, and a coach or a team mate yells it out… “Let’s go! Money in the bank”.  Maybe you know what it means, maybe you don’t, but it always seems to be said with a purpose that indicates its importance yeah? Right! As a physiology nerd I LOVE the term and what it stands for, intelligently and robustly building up and investing in your psychological and physiological athletic profile!


In the distance running and triathlon world it’s imperative, within the team sports I work with predominately Australian Rules Footy but it could easily be soccer or most field based sports, its crucial. The distance world knows how long it takes to extract your ultimate performance, Legendary New Zealand coach Arthur Lydiard was the king of the term and the practice, he would heap “lump sums” of aerobic work into his athletes in the foundation phase before sharpening them up and have them...

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